Huge Insect Brooch Vintage Fly rhinestone jeweled fancy 3" statement piece figural Green blue marquise stones
"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly,'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy". Well this parlor holds quite the SPECTACULAR LARGEST czech FLy brooch you will ever come across and it is a real attention getter. This brooch is no ordinary brooch because not only is it HUGE ( 3" WIDE( but it has some of the most exotic cobalts and bahama greens with hints of aurora borealis GLASS stones that you will find! Just belly of this magnificent creature holds a stone that is 1 1/4" long. The photos don't do it justice because it is really heavy and it has these large metal legs that protrude from it. IT is extremely well made and suprisingly enough, not signed. I guarantee you will be impressed with the SIZE of this large moth like creature.
VintageSparkles offers Layaway on all our pieces regardless of which site it comes from.. Please remember that vintage & antique items are not mint, nor are they perfect but they sure are full of old history and charm. Please use photos to make your decisions and read our policies prior to buying so you can have an excellent experience with us.
Please use this number when ordering ga33849
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