Antique Welsh Oak Dresser Sideboard

This lovely Welsh sideboard dates from the late 18th to early 19th century and was appraised by Sotheby's in 1998 for $17,000. (We will be glad to provide a copy of the appraisal at time of sale.) It measures 6 feet wide, 9.5 feet high and 16.5 inches deep. It features a shelved superstructure above rectangular surface fitted with 2 drawers on turned supports. The top is flat with a molded cornice, and the valance features a unique pierced interloop carved motif. Four grooved plate shelves. Lower section has a molded edge top over two half-width frieze drawers with old brasses. This section has a valanced apron on three baluster posts over a base shelf supported by block feet. The looping design of the frieze and the pierced apron are characteristic of dressers from the county of Shropshire in the West Midlands, just east of Wales. A couple boards on the lower shelf must be renailed. The left-side cornice molding must also be renailed in place. Patina is rich and warm, and extremely old. Provenance provided upon request. Additional images gladly forwarded upon request. ( buffet english british )