Ornate Door Plate Set Antique Store Handle Cast Iron

This is a nice clean antique store door handle, often seen on oak exterior doors of prominent retail stores, or offices during the Victorian period. The quality of the casting is amazing, nothing is plain metal, all with various fancy designs, very ornate. We are including the handle (round part with the two curved posts), and (2) backing plates (one of the backing plates has not round handle section, otherwise matches the one that is complete. Both backing plates, and the one handle are clean, no rust, some minor pitting on the one plate that is missing the handle, all are ready to be painted or clear lacquered, (old paint or plating was completely removed). This particular design offer the thumb tab for push release of the door hardware mechanism (not included as we don't have it). The tab is made to be pushed with the thumb with your hand on the round handle section. The handle is offset to one side for clearance. The backing plate is 2.75" wide x 12.2" long, the round holes are 11" on center, and the rectangular thumb tab section is 4.3" on center from the top, will need a 7/8" clearance hole in the door, but the rectangle bar is only about .45" x .2" wide. The handle section can be removed for painting, held on in two places. There is two more mounting holes at 5" on center from the top of the plate, and 1.85" on center. This is a very hard to find hardware set, we hope someone else has the missing handle, or at least one similar. The handle studs that hold the handle to the back plate are 4.4" on center and 3/8" diameter studs. A beautiful casting!