Brass & Leather Opera Glasses Antique

This is a nice medium sized pair of opera glasses in a leather case. They are of good quality with nice clean brass, glass, and leather. Like any used item from the turn of the century, these glasses show some wear, but were quite well taken care of. Miner scuffs, some worn off black paint on the brass eye pieces, and various minor marks on the leather that wraps around the two main cylinders. Overall a very attractive looking pair.<br> The carry case is leather and velvet inside. The leather exterior seams are in need of some re-stitching work as they are separated in some areas near the bottom of the case. The leather itself is worn but in good condition. There was a carry strap on the top that is now missing on the top, but the brass push button latch is in real good shape, and has a nice design on the button. The velvet inside is also torn in the general area around to the opened seams in the leather. The case still protects the glasses as it has done well for about a 100 years.<br> The value in this outfit is in the glasses as they are unique, and in nice shape.