Socket Firmer Chisel 1.0 inch Antique

Offering this nice 1.0" (.98") wide x 16.7" long beveled socket chisel, and is not marked by the maker. The design of this chisel would match chisels made in the mid 1800's, note the hand forged socket area and we also note the hardened tool steel is laminated to the softer steel in the upper section of the chisel form. This was done so that the chisel would not be too brittle for hard service, yet would hold an edge much longer than non-hardened steel could. The quality of the steel and it's tempering would most likely have been made in the mid to late 1800's, really holds a sharp edge well! This one is in good++ condition, clean, sharp, no rust, some minor staining, very nice solid hardwood handle, good end furrule, and nice fit and finish. It is sharp and ready to use condition. A nice early one!