Corvette 1960's Trophy Ornament Paperweight Cast Metal

This is a nice vintage Corvette, or Stingray, style sports car trophy or paperweight ornament. It is shaped much like a Corvette, but with a longer hood and grill area. It was part of a collection of cast hood and trophy ornaments we are presently listing for sale, most from the mid-1900's to 1980's era. This one is not marked by the maker. This one is die cast metal, and the metal seems to have plenty of nickel or pewter in the alloy as there is no rust present even though is the not chrome plated. It weighs about 1.0 pounds and has two port holes on the bottom, and you can see the wall stock of the exterior is about 1/8" thick, basically hollow in the inside, not solid. The casting is 6" long overall, and about 3.5" tall (not including the threaded stud. The casting nicely cast, no pits, or voids, smooth surfaces, a few tiny imperfections, that could be polished out. The threaded stud is well attached. Would make a nice vintage trophy, or desk paper weight!