DC comic books for $1.00 your choice

Quantity available: 1
Choose any or all for $1.00. Specify which issue(s) you want with a note to seller. Shipping on first book is $3.00 and 25 cents more for each additional. Most are near mint or mint. If there is a number between the title and issue number then that number is the volume number or the year of series publication. All are bagged and boarded. Metamorpho 1993 1 m Mister Miracle 1989 1 m Mister Miracle 1989 3 vf Mister Miracle 1989 5 m Mister Miracle 1989 9 m Mister Miracle 1989 10 m Mister Miracle 1989 11 vf Mister Miracle 1989 15 nm Mister Miracle 1989 16 m Mister Miracle 1989 18 m Mister Miracle 1989 19 vf Mister Miracle 1989 27 nm Mister Miracle 1996 2 m Mister Miracle 1996 3 nm Mister Miracle 1996 4 nm Mister Miracle 1996 5 nm Mister Miracle 1996 6 nm Mister Miracle 1996 7 nm Michael Moorcock's Multiverse 1997 1 Michael Moorcock's Multiverse 1997 2 Midnighter 2007 2 m Mr. Mxyzptlk 1998 1 nm Moonshadow 1995 6 nm Moonshadow 1996 7 nm Ms. Tree Quarterly 1 nm Ms. Tree Quarterly 2 nm Ms. Tree Quarterly 3 good
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Raleigh, North Carolina
Dealer accepts: PayPal
Shipping: $3.00