Disston D-12 Hand-Saw 10 TPI Finish Panel Saw 26 inch

This is a very nice 26" long blade, crosscut hand-saw marked, "HENRY DISSTON & SONS D-12 KEYSTONE SAW WORKS PHILADELPHIA U.S.A. LIGHTWEIGHT FOR BEAUTY FINISH HAND UTILITY THIS SAW CANNOT BE EXCELLED HENRY DISSTON (signature in writing script) "10" just below the handle on the steel " *WARRANTED SUPERIOR* " (with the DISSTON Trademark symbol in the center) on the brass medallion on the handle. Nice carved handle with some wear, a few small chips off the side opposite the carving, some scratches, some clear finish loss, about 10% clear finish intact, no cracks in the wood, very solid. The brass hardware appears clean and in good condition. The blade is about 99% straight, just about perfect, cuts just fine, with light staining, some minor pitting mostly on the side opposite the etch. The teeth are in very good condition, none missing about 90% sharpness. Not as old as others I have for sale, from the mid-1900's, but of very good quality, will make a good user saw. The D-12 is very similar to the D-23 lightweight, and the D-8 Disston models. It feature the tapered blade, meaning that the blade is .042" near the teeth, and .038" near the straight back edge, this reduce drag and the need for the teeth to be set. The D-12 is much more rare than the D-23 and D-8 models, and was in it's day considered to be the top of the line hand-saw!