Disston Handbook on Saws 1907 First Edition

Offering this scarce original copy of the publication "DISSTION HANDBOOK ON SAWS" by Henry Disston & Sons, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There is a copyright date on the front title page is marked "DISSTON LUMBERMAN HANDBOOK....CONTAINING A TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAWS....Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1907, by HENRY DISSTON AND SONS Incorporated In the office of Liberatian of Congress, as Washington D. C.". The handbook also contains a section on other tools Disston produced and how to sharpen or care for them. In the back of the book is a section called "PROGRESSION" listing various years of large scale company accomplishments, the last date is 1907 which we believe to be the year of printing. This is an edition of 208 pages (plus a few blank pages for notes), measures 9 inches in height by 6 inches in width. The book is filled with instructions and information for saw mill operators and those in the lumber trade. It shows many illustrations of various types of Disston saws and lumberman/saw mill accessories. This example is in good+ condition, showing age mostly on the covers and page edges, but we did notice some dirt smudges on a few inside text pages. It is softcover with a sort of tough fabric (red) spine material. The binding is still holding firm, with notice one inside front cover professional book repair tape on the seam of the binding, which is holding firm. It seems like the front and rear cover pieces have shrunk a little bit, as they are not completely covering the pages around the edges. As for as we can tell, this is a first edition though not clearly marked that way, we believe it to also be a first printing!