Excavating, Shoring Booklet ICS 1920 Textbook

This is a nice, clean instruction book, titled: "INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS EXCAVATING, SHORING, AND PILING 1050". It is a paper back booklet, stapled binding in very good condition, only very light wear on the exterior, pages are clean with some very minor darkening around the outside edges of the pages mostly. Some minor edge wear on the back cover. 50+ pages total, loaded with excellent illustrations and text on the subject, measures 5.9 x 8.9". A very hard to find instruction book on building shoring and piling mostly, and some information about excavation, mostly two plus story buildings shown in the illustrations, a second edition, copyright in 1919! These booklets have been stored inside a hardback storage sleeve over the years, the cover has protected them very well, so they are in very nice condition due to the care taken in storing them. The storage covers are not included as each cover holds about 12 booklets of which I have listed for sale individually or in subject set at this internet store. One of the earliest series of home study books that attempted to improve the education of those in the building trades. Audels Carpenters guides were first printed in 1923 making these study course books a earlier edition to Audels. Though the Audels libraries had nicer coverings, they are much more common than these early trade manuals from 1920 by ICS! Rare!