FOSSILS ANCIENT BUFFALO Skull & Antler Fossil Sulawesi Organic Remains Relic

Or Best OfferFS 062
AUTHENTIC FOSSIL of of what it seems to be a buffalo skull and a horn / antler. I am not sure if the antler is from the same skull but the size does seem right. Beautiful specimen, more beautiful in real life.
Heavy and hard as rock, can age anything from thousands to millions of years.
Skull measures: 21 x 19 x 17 cm / 8.3 x 7.5 x 6.7 inches
Horn/antlers length: 32 cm / 12.6 inches
Total weight: 4 kg / 8.8 lb
After packing: 7 kg / 15.4 lb
Bovine (Wikipedia):
African Buffalo or Cape Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) American Buffalo, North American colloquial name for American Bison (Bison bison) Wisent, or Eurasian Buffalo (Bison bonasus) Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), domestic bovid widely used for dairy, meat and draught Wild Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee), the ancestor of the domestic water buffalo Dwarf Buffalo, or anoa, any of several small species of Bubalus.
I will ship via Courier Service(5-7 working days) worldwide. Insured.
BEST OFFER: Thanks for dropping by, I look forward to hearing offers from u guys! Thanks!