Guy Gardner miscellaneous comic books for $1.00 each

Quantity available: 1
Choose any or all for $1.00. Specify which issue(s) you want with a note to seller. Shipping on first book is $3.00 and 25 cents more for each additional. Most are near mint or mint. If there is a number between the title and issue number then that number is the volume number or the year of publication.All comics are near mint or mint, mostly mint. Also, all are bagged and boarded. Guy Gardner 1994 0 Guy Gardner 1992 1 Guy Gardner 1992 2 Guy Gardner 1992 3 Guy Gardner 1992 4 Guy Gardner 1992 5 Guy Gardner 1992 7 Guy Gardner 1992 8 Guy Gardner 1992 9 Guy Gardner 1992 26 Guy Gardner 1992 31 Guy Gardner 1992 32 Guy Gardner 1992 35 Guy Gardner 1992 36 Guy Gardner 1992 37 Guy Gardner 1992 38 Guy Gardner 1992 39 Guy Gardner 1992 41 Guy Gardner 1992 42 Guy Gardner 1992 44 Guy Gardner Annual 1 Guy Gardner Reborn 1 Guy Gardner Reborn 2
Tales Resold
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dealer accepts: PayPal
Shipping: $3.00