Horizontal Mortise Boring Machine Antique
This is a nice antique horizontal mortise or boring machine from the 1920's era! It is very heavy duty including the heavy duty 110v electric motor. The motor is a Delco Products, most likely from the 1950's, and has plenty of power to run the machine. The table slides into the spindle tooling via an adjustable stop foot peddle, so you have all the pressure you need even for the larger size mortise tooling bits. There is a table return spring set up that appears to be adjustable also. Makes fast work of mortise operations, one of the very best woodworking joint types! I have other bits to fit this machine available at extra cost if you need other sizes. Since the machine is older, it does require regular hand oiling in various ports, but other than that require minimal maintenance. Please plan to pick this item up in Caldwell Ohio 43724 if interested in purchasing it.