Known artist SIGNED 1822 PORTRAIT miniature Framed woman Royalty victorian woman Albin Roberts Burt

This woman seems possibly to be an aristocrat or of a royal family. Notice the upswept coif of hair and the intricate braidwork. Then as you see her dress, you can tell that this woman was from a very well to do family. On the back it is written Painted by A R BURT Chester July 1822. ( I added a photo in case you can make it out better) . This artist is Albin Roberts Burt ( 1784-1842). There are 6 of his portraits in the National portrait Gallery of London. Around her shoulders she wears a soft tulle lace collar with a red ruby clasp. She also wears a lace shawl around her shoulders, below that. The frame is a blackened crackle wood and the gilt bale that holds the photo in is really fancy. The glass is not flat, but slightly rounded out and hand cut.