Lufkin Modular Red End Rule No. 646 Brick Scales

Offering this clean, used 6' zig zag rule marked "NO. 646 LUFKIN RUGGED RED END MODULAR". It features the hardwood sections, and brass hardware. It has the inch graduations on one side and the inside is marked with 6 scales in a 16" module. The scales are as follows: 2 courses in 16" space (for concrete blocks and glass blocks); 3 courses in 16" space (for facing tile); 4 courses in 16" space ( for small facing tile and economy brick); 5 courses in 16" space (for engineered brick); 6 courses in 16" space ( for Roman brick). Scales include mortar space and spacing for 6" and 12" blocks. The brass joints and caps are all slightly tarnished, but all in very good shape, snug, not loose. The white paint has some wear and missing paint, but all of the scales and graduations can still be seem. A nice used, vintage mason's/bricklayer's rule.