Orginal oil Painting "Fountain in Paris" by Yuri Krotov $6,000.00 OBO Orginal oil painting "A lilac on a sunny day " by Yuri Krotov $1,900.00 OBO 18th Century Metal thread Pillows $1,900.00 OBO 19th C. English Mahogany Library Table $5,200.00 OBO Two 19th century Metal thread Trim Pillows $800.00 OBO Pair of 18th century Metal thread Ecclesiastical Pillows $2,900.00 OBO Pair of 18th century Metal thread Pillows $2,100.00 OBO 18th C. English Chippendale Style Walnut Settee $5,670.00 Pair of 18th century Metal thread Pillows $2,100.00 OBO Pair of 18th Century Metal thread Pillows $1,400.00 OBO 18th Century Metal thread Pillows $975.00 OBO 19th c. French Louis Phillipe Commode $5,200.00 Exquisite 18th Century Metal thread Pillows $1,900.00 OBO Exquisite 19th Century Ecclesiatical table drape with Metal thread $1,700.00 OBO Beautiful Victorian Gothic Mirror $850.00 OBO Beauifully carved Eastern Door sculpture $1,620.00 OBO Beautiful Asian style ebonized Coffee table $2,520.00 OBO William and Mary style Commode $4,320.00 OBO 19th Century Carved regency tray table $3,400.00 OBO 19th Century French small cabinet with Marble top $1,620.00 OBO