Charm(s)/RND GF Intial "JB" $5.00 Charm(s)/#1Mom $5.00 Charm(s)/Bon Voyage $7.00 Charm(s)/Sports/Baseball $7.00 Charm(s)/Sterling Boxer's Glove $5.00 Service Pin(s)/F.D. Servic PHILA. $9.00 Club/Enameled Tack Pin/FWBA $7.00 Club/Wurlitzer Organ Club $9.00 Advertising/TNN Enameled Pin $5.00 Sports Pin(s)/Bowling Pin/2 Pins and a Ball $25.00 Service Pin(s)/Lapel Pin/Modern 82 Woodmen $13.00 Service Pin(s)/Tie Tack Enameled Red White & Blue W/Gold Fluer Di Lis Fidekity & Serv... $7.00 Service Pin(s)/American Red Cross Babysitter $5.00 Service Pin(s)/National Wildlife Federation 50th $5.00 Militaria/United States Air Force Tack Pin $5.00 School/Honor Graduate Charm On Blue & Green Neck Ribbon $10.00 School/Advisor/Jr. Achievement Award $5.00 Retro Hippy Fitz & Floyd Paper Mache Piggy Bank 1960's $23.99 School/College Sorority Charm/Girl of the Year $29.00 School/Charm/2nd Year Typing $7.00