Nautical _Ship_ Ships_ Yacht_Boat_ SOLID "HAND-MADE" Teak Wood Cleats_ Wharf_ Deck of Ship.
![Nautical _Ship_ Ships_ Yacht_Boat_ SOLID](
Quantity available: 2
Vintage YACHT ... 2 SOLID TEAK DECK CLEATS. Each HAND-MADE by Sail Boat Owner _ Each Cleat has TWO HOLES to secure to ships deck_ Each a little Unique. The Time and effort that craftsperson took to make by Hand Craftsmanship __ Shipping Within Canada $16.99 ___SHIPPING OUTSIDE CANADA is to The UNITED STATES of AMERICA $20.99__CURIOSITY COVE FURNISHINGS LTD. __We WELCOME Paypal. _thank-you
Curiosity Cove Furnishings Ltd.
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Dealer accepts: Check, Cash, Money Order, PayPal
Shipping: Negotiated with Seller