ncient 5th century B.C Scythian Short Sword Dagger Akinakes Acinac Akinak

Or Best OfferAncient Scythian iron short sword-dagger also known as an Akinakes, Acinaces or Akinak, dating back to the 6th-5th century B.C. and was found in the Northern Black Sea Region. It has a sturdy, double-edged tapering blade, a flattened hilt with a ribbed grip, a rectangular and butterfly-shaped guard, and a T-shaped pommel.
1."De l'épée scythe au sabre mongol: Les armes blanches des nomades de la steppe IXe siècle avant J-C - XIXe siècle après J-C" by Iaroslav Lebedynsky.
2."Weapons of the Ancient East" by M.V. Gorelik.
We will also provide the buyer with photocopies of the pages from the mentioned references together with a certificate of authenticity.
To view a related Scythian sword in the museum, please see the last picture in the listing.
CONDITION: In excavated condition, but, stable and very solid.
MEASUREMENTS: The overall length: 27.3 cm (10. 3/4 inches).
WEIGHT: 300 grams
NOTE: The Scythians were a nomadic Indo-European people, of Eastern European origin, a predecessor of the Slavic people, and occupying a geological band from Eastern Europe through to the grasslands above China, sharing a common artistic, cultural, and economic base.