Antique 18th Century Ottoman Balkan Bronze Gun Grease Container Medoulàri

Antique late 18th century Ottoman Balkan bronze container, known as a medoulàri, was used to hold grease for lubricating firearms. The name 'medoulàri' is derived from the Greek language, specifically from the word 'μεδουλάρι' (medullary).
The container is rectangular with a hinged lid decorated in incised typical Balkan style ornamentation and adorned on the bottom with four hinged hanging bronze tassels. The sites are affixed with square lugs adorned with hanging bronze tassels and pierced at the top for suspension loops. The Medoulàri container was worn on a belt with the cartridge pouch Palaska and gun powder flask.
Medoulàri was used by the Ottomans, Greeks, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Albanians, and all other Balkan nations.
Height: 12 cm (4.72 inches).
Width including lugs: 5.5 cm (2.17 inches).
CONDITION: It is in good condition, showing age and use, with a nice old
Almost identical medoulàri dated by the museum experts to the 18th century is in the collection of the Military Museum Beograd Aerbia and is published in the book " "Занатско оружје Балкана XVII -XIX век Отворена изложба Војног музеја у Аранђеловцу. Zanatsko oružje Balkana: XVII-XIX vek." Armi Museum in Beograd Serbia .2002. by Anđelija Radović. Page 118.
Please see the last picture in the listing.
Most of the medoulàri for sale on the international market are reproductions. This medoulàri is an authentic antique late 18th-century artifact accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and a photocopy of the pages from the mentioned references.