Antique Indonesian Headhunters Dayak Sword Parang Ilang Mandau Kenyah Kayan People Borneo

Antique late 19th century Indonesian Headhunters Dayak sword, Parang Ilang, (Mandau) of Kenyah-Kayan people of Borneo.
DETAILS: The hilt with pommel finely carved of deer antler, with scrolls motifs the and the leech grotesque faces. The leech (lemetek) is associated with blood sucking and so was considered a proper motif for a weapon and set with white and black and pink hair tufts, the grip bound with braided rattan straps.
A hand forged moderate curve, heavy and very sharp leaf-shaped steel blade, widens towards the tip, with a visible forging pattern, with hollow ground on one side, and beveled convex on the other side, with Leng / Monong tip.
The pink-coloured wooden scabbard held together with braided in a complicated manner rattan bands and decorated on the exterior with panels elaborately carved with traditional “aso” motifs. and adorned with white, black, and pink hair tufts. The inner said affixed with bark pocket for Pisau Raut knife and has an attached plaited rattan carrying cord.
CONDITION: Showing age and usage.
Overall length of the sword, sheathed in the scabbard: 63.5 cm (25 inches).
1.Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago” Albert G. Van Zonneveld
2.A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times” by George Cameron Stone.
3. Steel and Magic - Edged Weapons of the Malay Archipelago. Deutsches Klingenmuseum in Solingen.
We will provide the buyer with a copy of the pages from the mentioned references together with a certificate of authenticity.