Oak Shelf Clock Show Case Case Lighted Antique

Offering this antique oak clock case that has been made into a lighted display case with glass shelves and mirrored back and sides . Case measures 23 inches tall x 15 inches wide x 4 1/2 inches deep. Beautiful pressed morning glory blossoms and scrolled leaves. Raised door also has a raised detailed pattern and tiny side hinges. The glass shelves are 2 1/2 inches deep x 6 1/8 inches wide x 2 1/8 inches tall - there are six shelves. The light is hidden above the top shelf. Rotary wheel light switch. Very good condition, no cracks or chips; oak is clean; light works fine; the front edges of glass & mirror pieces is rough cut, not beveled; could be covered if found distracting, but currently has an almost patterned effect. The person we acquired this from used it for her Swarowski crystal pieces. Any miniatures, especially glass would look wonderful in this handsome case!