Pair Austrian 18th Century Gilt Bronze Ewers

Our pair of elegant silver-gilt ewers are attributed to the Austrian maker, Johann Georg Hann of Vienna, circa 1780-1805. Heights: 17 7/8 and 22 1/2 in; 45 and 57.1 cm. Total weight: 143 oz, 4,450 g.
Each with spreading foot moulded with a frieze of broad laurel leaves decorated with laurel flowers on an matted ground, and the body decorated with a frieze of laurel leaves on an matted ground with the upper part of a frieze of foliage scrolls surrounding flowers in circular medallions topped with a frieze of acanthus leaves, and flowers on an matted ground. The covers chased with acanthus leaves and the handles in the shape of a stylised snake.
The larger with the mark, GH, on underside and the smaller marked on the foot and shoulder. Other possible maker includes G. Hueber.
Each in good condition, with scratches and nicks. Possibly regilt.