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Summitt Glass Jadite Bell.
Summitt Glass Jadite Bell. Lovely garland of flowers around jad-ite bell with box type diamond desig...

Summitt Glass Jadite Bell
Summitt Glass Jadite Bell. Lovely garland of flowers around this jad-ite green color with a hint of ...

Summitt Glass Iridescent Jadite Small Tray
Summitt Glass Iridescent Jadite Small Tray. Westmoreland used to make these, but never in this color...

Elaborate Fruit Tissue paper art picture
Elaborate Fruit Tissue paper art picture. This is one of the nicest paintings made from tissue paper...

Tall Brass Horse statue. Very stately horse
Tall Brass Horse statue. Very stately horse in his prancing stance with uplifted head, decorative sa...

Brass Tea Caddy, nice size covered jar
Brass Tea Caddy, nice size covered jar with decorative leaf and vine decoration pressed into the bra...

Thin Brass flower pot Hampton VA
Thin Brass flower pot Hampton VA, Very nice hand made rolled brass flower pot with applied decorativ...

Summitt Glass Jadite Iridescent Measuring Cup
Summitt Glass Jadite Iridescent Measuring Cup. If you are looking for a new measuing cup that looks ...

Art Pottery vase with drip glaze design
Art Pottery vase with drip glaze design. This is a student work in pottery, hand thrown on a potters...

Art Pottery vase with drip glaze design
Art Pottery vase with drip glaze design. This is a student work in pottery, hand thrown on a potters...

Childs glove holders with cow clasps
Childs glove holders with cow clasps. What a decorative pair of Childs glove holders. They have one ...

Brass lamp finial with oriental modern design
Brass lamp finial with oriental modern design. Nice screw on brass finial with a circle and line des...

Holland scenes hand painted on tiles and framed
Holland scenes hand painted on tiles and framed in small black lacquer frames. One frame is mint con...

Oil painting with colonial scene
Oil painting with colonial scene. Three men with syes in hand coming in from the field as a girl com...

Gardenia and Sweet Pea Tin Talc can
Gardenia and Sweet Pea Tin Talc can. Nice old tin, empty, in great condition. It shows Gardenias and...

German American History book 1890-1910
German American History book 1890-1910. When I purchased this book I was told it was given to German...

The Mental Spark Plug Book by Van Amburgh, the silent partne...
The Mental Spark Plug Book by Van Amburgh, the silent partner. 1st edition 1923 by Vail Ballow Compa...

The School and Its Life by Gilbert 1906
The School and Its Life by Gilbert 1906, and published by Silver Burdette and Company. This book is ...

Belli Gallici Libri VII by Henricus Meusel MDCCCXCIV
Belli Gallici Libri VII by Henricus Meusel MDCCCXCIV, written in Italian, Juli Caesaris, A Hirth Lib...

Procedures in High School Teaching by Waples
Procedures in High School Teaching by Waples published by Macmillan 1925. Excellent condition, but d...