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Ford Gran Torino 1972 Ad
Ford Gran Torino 1972 Ad. This color July 7, 1972 ad states We built our Ford Torino to be the best ...

73 Ford Maverick Compact Car 1972 Ad
73 Ford Maverick Compact Car 1972 Ad. This color September 29, 1972 ad states The surprising Maveric...

1973 Ford Thunderbird 1972 Ad
1973 Ford Thunderbird 1972 Ad. This color November 27, 1972 two page ad states The 1973 Thunderbird....

General Motors Oakland Eight 1930 Ad
General Motors Oakland Eight 1930 Ad. This color march 8, 1930 ad states The New Oakland Eight produ...

Chevrolet Bel Air Sports Sedan 1956 Ad
Chevrolet Bel Air Sports Sedan 1956 Ad. This color two page February 21, 1956 ad states in four door...

General Motors Golden Five For 58 1957 Ad.
General Motors Golden Five For 58 1957 Ad. This color December 10, 1957 ad states General motors Gol...

Humpmobile Six Car 1927 Ad.
Humpmobile Six Car 1927 Ad. This black and white August, 1927 ad states Enjoy a care free vacation w...

Humpmobile Eights And Sixes 1927 Ad
Humpmobile Eights And Sixes 1927 Ad. This black and white October, 1927 ad states In the fine car fi...

1931 Humpmobile Century Six Sedan 1930 Ad
1931 Humpmobile Century Six Sedan 1930 Ad. This black and white September, 1930 ad states Theres sol...

Chrysler Corporation Imperial 1956 Ad.
Chrysler Corporation Imperial 1956 Ad. This color November 13, 1956 ad states Announcing for 1957, t...

Ford Motor Co. Lincoln Continental 1961 Ad
Ford Motor Co. Lincoln Continental 1961 Ad. This color December, 1961 ad states He just drove your c...

Mercedes Benz Racer 1961 Ad
Mercedes Benz Racer 1961 Ad. This color December, 1961 ad by Mercedes Benz Sales, A Subsidiary of St...

Ford Motor Co. Mercury 1949 Ad.
Ford Motor Co. Mercury 1949 Ad. This color October 11, 1949 ad states best looking, Best value too. ...

Mercury Montclair Car 1956 Ad
Mercury Montclair Car 1956 Ad. This color two page May 15, 1956 ad states A Mercury is to see yourse...

Nash Airflyte Car 1951 Ad
Nash Airflyte Car 1951 Ad. This color June 5, 1951 ad by Nash Motors, Division of Nash Kelvinator st...

Rambler American Car 1958 Ad
Rambler American Car 1958 Ad. This color December 9, 1958; ad states Go Rambler for 59, the Compact ...

General Motors Oldsmobile 1949 Ad
General Motors Oldsmobile 1949 Ad. This color October 11, 1949 ad states The Rocket is easy on the p...

Oldsmobile Rocket 98 Car 1951 Ad.
Oldsmobile Rocket 98 Car 1951 Ad. This color two page February 5, 1951 ad states New Oldsmobile Holi...

Oldsmobile Rocket Super 88 Car 1951 Ad
Oldsmobile Rocket Super 88 Car 1951 Ad. This color July 2, 1951 ad states Its Smart to ride the rock...

General Motors Oldsmobile Super 88 Car 1953 Ad
General Motors Oldsmobile Super 88 Car 1953 Ad. This color March 24, 1953 ad states the big 4 power ...