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Oldsmobile New Holiday 1955 Ad
Oldsmobile New Holiday 1955 Ad. This color April 5, 1955 ad states Oldsmobile presents a new holiday...

Oldsmobile Ninety Eight Deluxe Holiday Sedan 1955 Ad
Oldsmobile Ninety Eight Deluxe Holiday Sedan 1955 Ad. This color September, 1955 ad states as you wo...

Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Sedan 1956 Ad
Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Sedan 1956 Ad. This color February 21, 1956 ad states the car with the p...

Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Coupe 1957 Ad
Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Coupe 1957 Ad. This color January 22, 1957 ad states Geared for Super Pe...

Oldsmobile Super 88 Fiesta 1957 Ad
Oldsmobile Super 88 Fiesta 1957 Ad. This color June 25, 1957 ad states Get in the act. The versatile...

58 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight 1958 Ad
58 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight 1958 Ad. This color March 18, 1958 ad states Oldsmobility, an agile way t...

Oldsmobile Jerry And Patti Lewis 1958 Ad
Oldsmobile Jerry And Patti Lewis 1958 Ad. This color April 29, 1958 ad states Theve discovered Oldsm...

Oldsmobile Cars in Snow Scene 1959 Ad
Oldsmobile Cars in Snow Scene 1959 Ad. This color March 3, 1959 ad states Come see how new driving c...

General Motors 59 Oldsmobile Cars 1959 Ad
General Motors 59 Oldsmobile Cars 1959 Ad. This color January 20, 1959 ad states Every 1959 Oldsmobi...

60 Oldsmobile Holiday Sport Sedan 1959 Ad
60 Oldsmobile Holiday Sport Sedan 1959 Ad. This color November 24, 1959 ad states Its mighty satisfy...

Oldsmobile General Motors 1959 Ad
Oldsmobile General Motors 1959 Ad. This color May 26, 1959 ad states This 59 Oldsmobile wheel in you...

Oldsmobile Starfire Car 1961 Ad
Oldsmobile Starfire Car 1961 Ad. This color March, 1961 ad states Announcing a new high performance ...

GM 73 Oldsmobile Omega 1972 Ad
GM 73 Oldsmobile Omega 1972 Ad. This color October 27, 1972 ad states Meet the new Omega the under 2...

GM 73 Oldsmobile Omega 1972 Ad
GM 73 Oldsmobile Omega 1972 Ad. This color September 29, 1972 ad states Meet the new Omega. Compact ...

All New 55 Plymouth Car 1955 Ad
All New 55 Plymouth Car 1955 Ad. This color April 22, 1955 ad states Most beautiful interiors of the...

Plymouth Belvedere 4 door Hardtop Sport Sedan. 1955 Ad.
Plymouth Belvedere 4 door Hardtop Sport Sedan. 1955 Ad. This color January 15, 1955 ad states Announ...

Plymouth 56 Suburbans 1956 Ad
Plymouth 56 Suburbans 1956 Ad. This color two page February 21, 1956 ad states All new Aredynamic Pl...

Plymouth Convertible 1957 Ad
Plymouth Convertible 1957 Ad. This color May 28, 1957 ad states You dont have to be rich to own it, ...

Plymouth Forward Look 1957 Ad
Plymouth Forward Look 1957 Ad. This color December 10, 1957 ad states We dont follow the leader, we ...

Plymouth Car At Wedding 1957 Ad
Plymouth Car At Wedding 1957 Ad. This color June 25, 1957 ad states His love of sports cars, her lov...