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Sears Womens Dresses 1938 Ad
Sears Womens Dresses 1938 Ad. This Sepia Color 1938 Sears Catalog Page ad states A portfolio of Autu...

Sears Junior Women Dresses 1938 Ad
Sears Junior Women Dresses 1938 Ad. This Sepia color 1938 Sears Catalog Page Ad states College Credi...

Sears Dresses In Celanese Fabrics 1938 Ad
Sears Dresses In Celanese Fabrics 1938 Ad. This Sepia color 1938 Sears Catalog Page Ad states Rich C...

Sears Dress Economies 1938 Ad
Sears Dress Economies 1938 Ad. This Sepia Color 1938 Sears Catalog page ad states Smart Dress Econom...

Sears Triplet Dress 1938 Ad
Sears Triplet Dress 1938 Ad. This Sepia Color 1938 Sears Catalog page Ad states the Triplet dress le...

Sears Womens Sports Dresses 1938 Ad
Sears Womens Sports Dresses 1938 Ad. This Sepia Color 1938 Sears Catalog Page ad states Sports Shop ...

Sears Polo Coats 1938 Ad
Sears Polo Coats 1938 Ad. This Sepia Color 1938 Sears Catalog Page Ad states Swing is a youthful not...

Sears Womens Coats 1938 Ad
Sears Womens Coats 1938 Ad. This Sepia color 1938 Sears Catalog Page Ad Shows Three women in Coats t...

Sears Womens Four Piece Dress 1938 Ad
Sears Womens Four Piece Dress 1938 Ad. This Sepia color 1938 Sears Catalog Page Ad states Young 14 s...

Arlington Mills Dress Fabrics 1912 Ad
Arlington Mills Dress Fabrics 1912 Ad. This black and white October, 1912 ad states if you would be ...

Street Clothes Patterns 1913 Ad
Street Clothes Patterns 1913 Ad. This black and white March, 1913 ad states New street Clothes, the ...

Jantzen Swim Suits 1940 Ad
Jantzen Swim Suits 1940 Ad. This color May 27, 1940 ad states The petty Girl Suit of 1940 by Jantzen...

Spring Hats With Background Scenes 1947 Pictures
Spring Hats With Background Scenes 1947 Pictures. This three page color March 31, 1947 article and p...

Winter Season Fashion Dresses 1947 Ad
Winter Season Fashion Dresses 1947 Ad. This black and white and color November 10, 1947 article stat...

Champ Mens Hat 1953 Ad
Champ Mens Hat 1953 Ad. This color March 16, 1953 ad states This lighter weight takes a load off you...

DuPont Orlon Fibers 1953 Ad
DuPont Orlon Fibers 1953 Ad. This color March 16, 1953 ad states Thank Orlon for new easy care in lo...

Van Heusen Shirts 1953 Ad
Van Heusen Shirts 1953 Ad. This black and white December 14, 1953 ad states the new revolutionary co...

Blue Bell Wrangler Western Jeans 1956 Ad
Blue Bell Wrangler Western Jeans 1956 Ad this color March 19, 1956 ad states Trim, Tapered, Terrific...

Betsy McCall Goes To the Zoo 1957 Ad
Betsy McCall Goes To the Zoo 1957 Ad. This color October, 1957 ad states Betsy McCall goes to the Zo...

American Fur Industry 1979 Ad
American Fur Industry 1979 Ad. This black and white October, 1979 ad states Reach for the Stars. Fur...