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1909 PC Woman's' World Ad No. 10
1909 PC Woman's' World Ad No. 10 This is a Woman's World of Chicago, postcard advertisement. It read...

1909 PC Woman's World Ad
1909 PC Woman's World Ad. No 8 This is a 1909 Postcard Beautiful color advertising from Woman's Worl...

1909 PC Woman's World Ad.
1909 PC Woman's World Ad. No 1 This is a beautiful color postcard from Woman's World of Chicago. It ...

1970's PC San Antonio TX Ad
1970's PC San Antonio TX Ad This is a black and white postcard from National Farm Loan Assn. Of San ...

Shawnee Vendor and flower cart
Shawnee Vendor and flower cart. Marked 621 on the bottom, this is a fine example of their artwork. H...

Christmas bell with santa climbing with wreath 1957
Christmas bell with santa climbing with wreath. This has a decal of holly and ribbon on the front, a...

Christmas tree bell, Nice tree
Christmas tree bell, Nice tree with red balls and gold stars and trim. Clapper is a lead weight. Por...

Germany bell, Crystal bell
Germany bell, Crystal bell, no stickers or manufacture mark, but this is like several I have had in ...

Bleikristall 24% lead crystal bell
Bleikristall 24% lead crystal bell. Very nice pattern with cut glass top, original stickers, West Ge...

Girl with umbrella and basket
Girl with umbrella and basket. This is probably a piece of Lefton, the only mark on the bottom is 18...

Lustre ware small sugar or condiment dish
Lustre ware small sugar or condiment dish. Very delicate with gold lustre and blue band with handpai...

Crystal Plate with needle etch floral and leaf pattern
Crystal Plate with needle etch floral and leaf pattern. This appears to be a depression era plate, b...

1983 Women's Circle Christmas Cakes and Confections
1983 Women's Circle Christmas Cakes and Confections with over 175 Christmas baking. There are a few ...

1982 Christmas Patterns from Gingham
1982 Christmas Patterns from Gingham. Very nice set highlighting the Glow of Christmas. A very detai...

4 craft books, Coats and Clark Afghans
4 craft books, Coats and Clark Afghans, Pack o fun 1974December, Mothers Home life 1977 and 1982 Ann...

1968 Centennial Bottle, Elks Commemorative bottle
1968 Centennial Bottle, Elks Commemorative bottle, 1968, by Regal China, Mint condition, some wear t...

1972 Mother Lodge James Beam Bottle
1972 Mother Lodge James Beam Bottle, Nice Greek look to this bottle that says 1922, 1972, Mother Lod...

Ezra Brooks 1969 Castle Bottle, BY-1, original stickers
Ezra Brooks 1969 Castle Bottle, BY-1, original stickers, Heritage china, Mint condition, Aprox 12 x ...

Ford Recreational Vehicle paper clip 1983 holder
Ford Recreational Vehicle paper clip 1983 holder. Black and white paper clips in a black and white h...

Holland Michigan Girl key holder
Holland Michigan Girl key holder. Great little woodburned girl with hand painted red, blue and yello...