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Campbells Baby Soups 1947 Ad.
Campbells Baby Soups 1947 Ad. This color February, 1947 ad states at your Grocers Now, the New Campb...

Gerbers Baby Foods 1947 Ad. T
Gerbers Baby Foods 1947 Ad. This color February, 1947 ad states a baby, a spoon and a dish. When you...

Gerbers Baby Foods 1947 Ad. T
Gerbers Baby Foods 1947 Ad. This black and white June, 1947 ad states Arent spoons fun, Angel. Yes t...

Gerbers Baby Foods 1946 Ad. T
Gerbers Baby Foods 1946 Ad. This black and white August 8, 1946 ad states bye, Bye, Mr. Bunny, Here ...

Heinz Baby Foods 1947 Ad. Thi
Heinz Baby Foods 1947 Ad. This black and white February, 1947 ad states packed with energy and iron ...

Heinz Baby Foods 1948 Ad. Thi
Heinz Baby Foods 1948 Ad. This color March, 1948 ad states Sleepy time Tactics, Babies become an inc...

Heinz Baby Foods 1948 Ad. Thi
Heinz Baby Foods 1948 Ad. This black and white March, 1948 ad states Mothers Lullaby. When hands tha...

Heinz Baby Foods 1947 Ad. Thi
Heinz Baby Foods 1947 Ad. This black and white June, 1947 ad states Favorite Dessert with babies, sm...

Heinz Baby Foods 1946 Ad. Thi
Heinz Baby Foods 1946 Ad. This black and white August, 1946 ad states select Babies Foods with the s...

Swifts Meats For Babies 1947
Swifts Meats For Babies 1947 Ad. This black and white June, 1947 ad states Mother, Heres the easiest...

Falstaff Beer 1965 Ad. This 2
Falstaff Beer 1965 Ad. This 2 page color August 28, 1965 ad states for man size pleasure Falstaff be...

Harveys Bristol Cream Sherry
Harveys Bristol Cream Sherry 1954 Ad. This black and white February 6, 1954 ad states The worlds mos...

Harveys Imported Sherries And
Harveys Imported Sherries And Ports 1954 Ad. This black and white October 23, 1954 ad states for ove...

Millers High Life Beer 1954 A
Millers High Life Beer 1954 Ad. This color February 13, 1954 ad states Traditionally the finest. Lan...

Rheingold Lager Beer 1954 Ad.
Rheingold Lager Beer 1954 Ad. This color February 13, 1954 ad states My beer is Rheingold the dry be...

American Agriculturist Magazi
American Agriculturist Magazine 1915 Ad. This black, white and red October 23, 1915 ad by Orange Jud...

Encyclopaedia Britannica 1965
Encyclopaedia Britannica 1965 Ad. This color August 14, 1965 ad states New Edition Encyclopaedia Bri...

The First Ladies Cook Book 19
The First Ladies Cook Book 1965 Ad. This black and white December 18, 1965 Premium Services Co. ad s...

Holiday A Curtis Magazine 195
Holiday A Curtis Magazine 1954 Ad. This 2 page black and white October 23, 1954 ad states peoples li...

Magazine Advertising Bureau 1
Magazine Advertising Bureau 1966 ad. This black and white July 30, 1966 Magazine Readers, Magazine a...