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Shop By Mail And Pemmican 1960 Article.
Shop By Mail And Pemmican 1960 Article. This black and white March, 1960 ad shows Monogram Hot Rod M...

Tracking The Pioneers 1960 Article.
Tracking The Pioneers 1960 Article. This two page black and white March, 1960 article Tracking the p...

Pony Express 1960 Short Story.
Pony Express 1960 Short Story. This three page April, 1960 short story by Joseph Stocker states Pony...

Boy Scout 1960 Article.
Boy Scout 1960 Article. This black and white April, 1960 article states A Friend to All by Arthur A....

1959 Photo Contest Winners
1959 Photo Contest Winners. This black and white two page April, 1960 article shows pictures of phot...

Batboy For The Braves 1960 Article.
Batboy For The Braves 1960 Article. This three page black and white May, 1960 article by Bob Hood st...

Champion Of Birds 1961 Article.
Champion Of Birds 1961 Article. This four page November, 1961 article by Durward L. Allen with illus...

Cartoon Boat Safety 1962 Cartoons.
Cartoon Boat Safety 1962 Cartoons. This color July, 1962 cartoon article states Boat Safety by C.B. ...

Test Flight of the Valkyrie 1962 Article.
Test Flight of the Valkyrie 1962 Article. This three page color July, 1962 article by Charles Coombs...

The Right Dog For You 1962 Article.
The Right Dog For You 1962 Article. This three page August, 1962 article by Lois Meistrell, as told ...

A Man And 4 Grizzlies Old Bruin 1962 Article.
A Man And 4 Grizzlies Old Bruin 1962 Article. This 4 page black and white August, 1962 article state...

Wizard on Wheels Tazio Nuvolari 1962 Article.
Wizard on Wheels Tazio Nuvolari 1962 Article. This two page August, 1962 article by Lyman M. Nash st...

Big League Photographer Neil Leifer 1962 Article
Big League Photographer Neil Leifer 1962 Article. This 4 page black and white September, 1962 articl...

Joseph A. Brunton Jr. 1963 Article
Joseph A. Brunton Jr. 1963 Article. This black and white October, 1963 article states a few words fr...

Teen Age Big Top 1963 Article.
Teen Age Big Top 1963 Article. This two page black and white October, 1963 article states Teen Age B...

Tops of 63 Boy Champs 1964 Article
Tops of 63 Boy Champs 1964 Article. This two page January, 1964 article by Larry Klein states there ...

Movies Mr. Limpet Don Knotts 1964 Article.
Movies Mr. Limpet Don Knotts 1964 Article. This color March 20, 1964 article states A fine Kettle of...

Boy Scout Jamboree President Johnson 1964 Article
Boy Scout Jamboree President Johnson 1964 Article. This black and white October, 1964 article states...

Spalding Presents Wilt Chamberlain 1964 Article
Spalding Presents Wilt Chamberlain 1964 Article. This black and white December 1964 article states S...

Music My Way Of Life Aaron Copland 1964 article
Music My Way Of Life Aaron Copland 1964 article. This three page black and white December, 1964 arti...