Singer Sewing Machine Slant 500A Rocketeer in Solid Oak Double Pedestal Desk Cabinet with extra attachments

Singer Sewing Machine Slant 500A Rocketeer in Solid Oak Double Pedestal Desk Cabinet . This sewing machine is much coveted by serious sewers because it has a powerful motor as well as many built in decorative stitches. Even more stiches can be added with the fashions discs included. So not only is this a dynamite machine but it comes in an awesome solid wood oak cabinet that looks like an executive style desk. The machine is tucked under a panel that is remove to reveal the machine that is securely mounted on hinges. There is a knee speed control option with this machine...however you can also use the foot pedal which is in a bracket under the desk. There are 8 generous sized dovetailed drawers that are of solid .wood. The oak has been stained with a cherry wood stain. The machine works great and in excellent condition. The cabinet has a few nicks and scratches here and there but nothing major. Looks like the stain is someone uneven around on the removable panel but still that is not a big deal.
This posting is for local pick up only in Seattle, Washington. It would be too expensive to have it shipped. But if you wanted to do that you'll need to make your own arrangement. However if you live in the Puget Sound vicinity I can deliver it for a small fee.