Stratton Brothers Plumb & Level 2 foot Patented

Offering this nice patent 24.5" long patented level, marked "STRATTON BROTHERS GREENFIELD MASS. PATENTED JULY 16,1872 MAY 22, 1888" on the level vial brass plate cover. This one does have the eagle trademark also, just above the name. Both the level and plumb glass vials are in good working order. The plumb via has a metal wire type rod that appears to be in front of it to protect it from damage. This appears to be original. Stratton Brothers are well known for their top quality levels, many are valued at $500+. This one is unique in regards to the football shaped brass cover plates, and the fancy level sight side brass plates. The brass hardware is all there, and that includes the brass end tips in 4 places. The mahogany is nice, with some wear and dings as you would expect in a level over 100 years old, but not cracked, and has a nice polished finish. It sets flat, and is not warped. A nice quality level!