Not Just Another pair of shoes. WORLD FAMOUS DACK Mens SHOES Circa 1834-1984 WATER BISON LEATHER construction + Hand Craftsmanship EXTRA QUALITY original $500.

While gently pre-owned ITS THE EXTRA QUALITY that still makes very useful today + OUTLAST other shoes.
WORLD FAMOUS DACK SHOES ...PAIR Size 8 _ AVAILABLE here in _for discerning buyer _
NOT JUST ANOTHER PAIR OF SHOES_during the process of Hand Crafting Leather Shoes , it was a process of stages over 2 Weeks in the day of making ....DACK SHOES...NOTED FOR EXTRA QUALITY in Hand Construction of Mens LEATHER SHOES... a Company that created Beautiful Quality Shoes up until 1984...When the owner could not find a SKILLED CRAFTSMAN OWNER to take over....such is Life.
150 YEARS of continueous EXTRA QUALITY in Hand Crafted Mens Shoes. during the 1980s this Brand of Shoes was $500.00 ___only due to being QUALITY _ JUST RECENTLY A COMPLETELY BRAND NEW PAIR OF GENUINE RUBBER BILTRITE HEELS placed on this Quality pair of shoes skillfully added by a Shoe Restoration Company. __JUST FOR ONE BUYER TO ENJOY FOR MANY YEARS of Comfort.
Shipping to USA $20.00 _ Shipping to Canada $20.00 _ Payment by The PINK INTERNATIONAL US POSTAL MONEY ORDER _ Canada Post Money Order _ or PayPal ____CURIOSITY COVE Member of Since 2007