The IL Fornaio Baking Book 1993 Franco Galli Cookbook

Quantity available: 1
Offering this handsome hardbound cookbook / recipe book titled The IL Fornaio Baking Book, sweet & savory recipes from the Italian Kitchen, written by Franco Galli, publilshed by Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1993 - second printing. Handsomely illustrated dust jacket, very good condition, no tears or stains. Hardboards are covered in rich black cloth with gold gilt lettering on spine and chef illustration on front cover, fine condition, no damage, very clean, like new. Fine quality pages are clean and crisp, no stains, scribbling, or tears; (note - there is a gift inscription on first blank page). Wonderfully presented recipes and beautiful illustrations & photos throughout. Contents include introduction, La Panetteria Del Fornaio / the Baker's Kitchen, equipment, ingredients, & techniques; Le Ricette Del Fornaio / The Baker's Recipes - Pane Tradizionale/ Traditional Breads, Pane Speciale / Special Breads, Panini / Little Breads, Pizze / Pizzas, Le Ricette del Giorno Dopo / Recipes Using Leftover Breads, Biscotti / Cookies, Dolci / Sweets, plus a table of equivalents and index. As a delightful storyteller and teach Franco Galli introduces many of his recipes with heartwarming family memories, facinating bits of love, or age-old backing techniques. A very handsome cookbook; a must have for your kitchen! Lots of delicious recipes! Media Mail Shipping to continental US addresses will be $5.00
Great Expectations Antiques
Caldwell, Ohio
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Shipping: $5.00