The Son of Satan #4 comic book very fine/near mint 9.0

Overstreet grading standards.
Cloud of Witness!
Having sold the remains of his property at Fire Lake and accepting a position at District University, Daimon Hellstrom arrives there and is welcomed by Saripha Thames. As Daimon is shown to his room, District University professor Dr. Brain Anderson continues to research into Daimon's background, to determine if he's made the correct choice.
That night while sleeping, Daimon is visited by a being known as Proffit, the Celestial Fool. Proffit, being an oracle shows Daimon a vision of the future, involving the Egyptian god Anibus, believing it an attack, Daimon defends himself. However, Proffit escapes, and Daimon is shown one last vision: Saripha in dead and in a coffin. His dream ends when he is confronted by both his Son of Satan and Darksoul personas, which he once more forces into a union with his human self.
Waking up, Daimon is shocked to find Proffit in his room, and that the being is real. Proffit explains his nature to Daimon. Before Daimon is can anymore answers, Proffit disappears and Daimon finds himself assaulted by a mystical force which causes an explosion. Seeing it from outside Saripha goes to check on Daimon, who she finds alive and well, however the man in the room next door to Daimon appears to be dead.