Vanity Item(s)/Bright Pink Plastic Vanity Powder Box/? Ivy Ann

The perfect accessory for the ladies bath or vanity. A pretty bright pink plastic powder box. I think the logo on the side says Ivy Ann. The lid has a wonderful molded decoration of swags, flowers and a woman laying in a hammock. The box is in excellent condition. It measures aprox. 4 1/2" square and 2 1/2" high. The fee quoted for shipping is for first class/No insurance in the USA only. I received the following email from Tresa:"Your powder box is from the Evyan Perfume Co. and held White Shoulders dusting powder. The powder still comes in that same box, so it could be realatively new." I love to get helpful info from folks who know something I don't! This is great info, but I still believe this particular powder box is older, as in more than 20 years, maybe 1970's. It just does not look that new.