Walden Socket Wrench T-Handle Combination

This is a nice special purpose combination socket wrench/screwdriver, with a T-handle arrangement. This tool is marked "WALDEN WORCESTER MADE IN U.S.A. PAT. 1559543 X1960" on the socket section. The socket opening is 3/4" size, and the screwdriver tip is 3/8" wide. The handle width is 10.75" end to end. From the tip of the socket to the top of the handle is 4", or 4" overall on width. A speed wrench of sorts, most likely for automotive wheel removal, the screwdriver/pry-bar end for removing the hub cap, and the socket for quickly spinning the wheel nuts off. This one was patented in 1925, most likely for car wheels in that era. It's in good shape with no rust, some minor wear, but not damaged, good straight handles, some very minor dings and pitting. A nice old speed wrench!