WALL GUARDIAN 620mm DAYAK ALTAR Anthropomorphic Sculpture Statue Painting Borneo

Or Best OfferWD 073
An antique authentic Dayak Serawai Altar Wall Panel from Kalimantan Barat. Carved entirely from a Belian / Iron / Billionwood trunk, the panel is adorn with two Anthropomorphic Guardian. Lines are visible due to extreme aging, but otherwise still in solid and good condition, no restoration was ever made. Circa 1900, keep indoor.
Motif: Kalimantan, part of the Borneo Archipelago with rich Dayak culture, their human facial expression usually expressed in anthropomorphism art or deity patung/statue serves to remember and worship the dead(pagan).
Height: 62 cm / 24.4 inches
Width: 14.5 cm / 5.7 inches
Weight: 3.8 kg / 8.3 lb
After packing: 7 kg / 15.4 lb
I will ship via Courier Service(5-7 working days) worldwide. Insured.
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