Whitman & Barnes Drill & Tap Selector

This is a nice clean Drill and Tap Selector marked on the inside slide, "COPYRIGHT 1952 WHITMAN & BARNES SLIDE CHART BY PERRYGRAF MAYWOOD ILL.". The selector (or slide chart) is for finding sizes of tap drills for NC and NF, on the both sides, & decimal equivalents for fractions, number and letter drills. Printed on a cardboard, the slide chart is two piece with 4 corner rivets in good condition. This type with a clear coating over the printing (on the both the slide and the 2 piece exterior), has been well preserved. The paper envelope has also helped to keep the selector clean and in good condition. The envelope is intact, has edge wear and shop dirt on the outside, in good condition overall (I have never seen one with the envelope before). Whitman & Barnes, better known by collectors as a wrench maker also made drills and other cutting tools in the later years. A nice clean example of one of their advertising printings!