Our Service __Wonderful Circa 1880 Bohemian VASE _L@@K at the Skill of ART GLASS with Gold Decorations and the Hand Signature Wilh Hofmann Austria in faint gold script_ Priced to Smile
![Our Service __Wonderful Circa 1880 Bohemian VASE _L@@K at the Skill of ART GLASS with Gold Decorations and the Hand Signature Wilh Hofmann Austria in faint gold script_ Priced to Smile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/productimages.goantiques.gemr/164260/10053441_fullsize.jpg)
![Our Service __Wonderful Circa 1880 Bohemian VASE _L@@K at the Skill of ART GLASS with Gold Decorations and the Hand Signature Wilh Hofmann Austria in faint gold script_ Priced to Smile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/productimages.goantiques.gemr/164260/10053442_fullsize.jpg)
![Our Service __Wonderful Circa 1880 Bohemian VASE _L@@K at the Skill of ART GLASS with Gold Decorations and the Hand Signature Wilh Hofmann Austria in faint gold script_ Priced to Smile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/productimages.goantiques.gemr/164260/10053443_fullsize.jpg)
![Our Service __Wonderful Circa 1880 Bohemian VASE _L@@K at the Skill of ART GLASS with Gold Decorations and the Hand Signature Wilh Hofmann Austria in faint gold script_ Priced to Smile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/productimages.goantiques.gemr/164260/10053444_fullsize.jpg)
Simply one PRICE _One-of-a-Kind__Circa 1880 Bohemian Art Glass VASE in style of Moser_"HAND SIGNATURE" Wilh Hofmann Austria__this is a RARE Find. Suitable for Antique Roadshow Artifact. _SHIPPING WITHIN CANADA $35.50__Shipping OUTSIDE Canada is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA LOW COST SHIPPING $49.99__Curiosity Cove Furnishings LTD. IN NORTH AMERICA WE WELCOME Bank to Bank Wire Transfer ____________________ For Shipping to OTHER COUNTRIES of this Specific Antique Roadshow Artifact payment by MoneyGram 1-800-926-9400. On Another Antique we have had an Italian customer make payment by MoneyGram__DOUBLE BOXED Shipping. CURIOSITY COVE FURNISHINGS LTD.
For this specific antique NO PAYPAL __ _ thank-you