Siskiyou Ames Tools Belt Buckle Utah

This is a very nicely style belt buckle the reads "AMES TOOLS PROMONTORY SUMMIT UTAH 1869" on the face, showing fine detail of two steam locomotives, one with a shovel setting against it, and men working, using hand tools in the center. This is a limited production, quality cast pewter like metal, and is quite sturdy. The back is marked "SISKIYOU BUCKLE CO. INC. WILLIAMS OREGON C1982 SERIAL NO. 1731 1982 LIMITED EDITION" and a note "MAY 10, 1869 AMES TOOLS WERE THERE AT ONE OF THE NATIONS FINEST MOMENTS WHEN THE CONTINENT WAS BRIDGED BY RAIL. THE UNION PACIFIC'S ENGINE 119 AND THE CENTRAL PACIFIC'S JUPITER QUIETLY AWAIT AS CEREMONIOUSLY THE LAST SPIKE IS DRIVEN". Condition is very good with little or no sign of being used. A very well made 2.4 x 3.5" belt buckle!