Siskiyou Ames Tools Belt Buckle North Pole

This is a very nicely style belt buckle the reads "AMES TOOLS THE DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE BY ROBERT E. PEARY 1909" on the face, showing fine detail of a ship, dogs and dog sled, birds, a shovel, and a winter dressed man carrying a shovel. This is a limited production, quality cast pewter like metal, and is quite sturdy. The back is marked "SISKIYOU BUCKLE CO. INC. WILLIAMS OREGON C1983 SERIAL NO. 4839 1983 LIMITED EDITION" and a note "AFTER TWO UNSUCCESSFUL EXPEDITIONS, AMES TOOLS WERE THERE WHEN ADM ROBERT E. PEARY JOURNEYING NORTH ON THE STEAMER ROOSEVELT FINALLY ACHIEVED HIS GOAL OF REACHING THE GEOGRAPHIC NORTH POLE 89DEGREES 57MINUTES". Condition is very good with little sign of being used, a few rub marks. A very well designed 2.4 x 3.5" belt buckle!